Watch! The Kankakee Soil and Water Conservation District is diving head first into the world of videography! In the recent past, the district received a Cover Crop Champions grant through the National Wildlife Federation. Originally, the district planned to do a series of events/field days this summer focused on cover crops and soil health. With COVID-19, they have been forced to switch gears a bit. The district still hopes to have a few events later this summer, but for now is trying their hand at video production to spread the message of the benefits of soil health principles!
The SWCD plans to do a series of short, 1-2 minute videos on a variety of soil health topics. For their first video, they focused on how cover crops can change the structure and water holding capacity/infiltration of soil using the slake test. The Kankakee Soil and Water Conservation District hopes to reach 150 farmers this summer with messages on cover crops and soil health.

Let’s lend them a hand and share their video with other SWCDs and partners and encourage them to pass it along to their farmers and agriculure professionals!

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